Take your business to new heights.

Our Story

Inspired by the

Coast Mountains.

Based out of Pemberton, BC, the views of the iconic ​Mt. Currie inspired Mtn. Media Marketing.

The majestic and rugged mountain towers over ​Pemberton and leaves those who view it inspired and ​awestruck. After countless days and nights spent ​gazing at this natural wonder, the essence of our brand ​was born. Rustic, majestic, inspiring, and mighty. These ​are the elements that fuel our creative space.

What We Do

Welcome to Mtn. Media Marketing. We are your go-to ​agency for comprehensive marketing solutions.

Our services are designed to increase brand awareness, ​cultivate lasting customer relationships, and create ​exceptional content that takes your business to new ​heights.

Our Services

Content Creation

Mtn. Media Marketing specializes in bringing your vision ​to life with our in-person video and photo content ​creation services.

We produce captivating content that boosts brand ​awareness and resonates perfectly with your target ​audience. Picture dynamic promos, behind-the-scenes ​footage, immersive stories and more!

Is your local business aiming to feature unique and timely ​content from the Sea to Sky region? Consider us your ​ideal partner. We produce high-quality, professionally ​edited content relevant to the current season, ensuring ​your business reflects the vibrant Sea to Sky life​s​tyle.

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Social Media


Struggling to keep up with the ever-changing social ​media landscape? Take advantage of our expertise in ​managing your platforms while you concentrate on ​managing your business.

Our social media management services include strategy ​development, content creation, scheduling, community ​management, analytics and reporting.

Trust us with your social media needs. We’ll leverage our ​industry knowledge and awareness of the latest trends​ to keep your business competitive in this fast-paced​ digita​l world.

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Consulting, Strategy & ​Platform Audits

Are you feeling stuck with your business’s social media ​efforts? At Mtn. Media Marketing, we offer specialized ​consulting, strategy development, and platform audit ​services to help you unlock your brand’s full potential ​online.

Book a personalized 1:1 consultation with us. We’ll ​conduct a thorough platform audit to evaluate your ​current social media performance and identify areas for ​improvement.

Based on the audit results, we’ll help you develop a ​comprehensive strategy tailored to your business goals. ​Our strategies are designed to enhance your online ​presence, engage your target audience, and drive ​measurable results.

Email Marketing

Effective email marketing is essential for staying ​competitive and growing your business. It offers a direct ​line to your customers, allowing you to build strong ​relationships, drive engagement, and foster customer ​loyalty.

By delivering personalized, targeted content directly to ​your audience’s inbox, you can significantly enhance ​your brand’s visibility and influence.

Let us turn your email list into a powerful revenue-​generating tool. Our expert team will craft compelling ​email campaigns designed to captivate your audience ​and encourage action.

“Over every mountain there ​is a path, although it may ​not be seen from the valley.”


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